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Required software for all 4i family products.
Create, Store, Distribute, Share, Collect, Process. Expand the basic printing and data collecting features of IBM i in order to respond to document management needs, always more oriented towards...
The module allows RPG programmers to create and publish RESTful web services on IBM i (AS400). Applications written for Google App Engine (or for any other application server in public or private...
This tool allows to transfer and receive files and spools from IBM i (AS400) to Google Drive. Drive4i exploits all the features offered by Google Drive and allows RPG programmers to write IBM i...
Twitter4i allows integration between Twitter and IBM i (AS400). It is particularly adept at integrating with business workflow.
SMS4i is an SMS gateway created to send SMS from IBM i (AS400) in Italy and in other 146 nations in the world. The basic idea is to use direct connections with the principal GSM supervisors in order...
Skype4i allows integration between Skype and IBM i (AS400). Through an IBM i command it is possible to send a message to a Skype user or to read the content of a chat. The chat could then be used as...