The explosive growth of cloud computing highlights the need to connect your enterprise applications with public and private clouds. The 4iFamily helps you integrate applications quickly and simply.
This tool allows RPG programmers to create and publish RESTful web services on IBM i (AS400). Therefore applications written for Google App Engine (or for any other application server in public or private cloud) could call these web services and interact with IBM i programs. |
Drive4i allows you to transfer and receive files and spool from IBM i (AS400) to Google Drive. Drive4i uses all the features offered by Google Drive and allows RPG programmers to write IBM i (AS400) programs integrated with Drive. For example, spool files could be shared using the potential offered by Drive, or RPG applications could create documents and share them in the... |
SMS4i is an SMS gateway created to send SMS from IBM i (AS400) in Italy and in other 146 nations in the world. The basic idea is that by using direct connections with the principal GSM supervisors in order to save on sending SMS, and realize the flexibility of a computer system for mobile communications management automation. The company goal is to integrate online activities with commercial... |
Twitter4i allows integration between Twitter and IBM i (AS400).
Skype4i integrates Skype and the IBM i (AS4000). Through a command, you can send messages to a Skype user, read a chat, and even use it as a means to send commands to the IBM i system. Through Skype4i you can also transfer files from the IBM i and manage calls.