Google Apps meet IBM i
La crescita esplosiva del cloud computing fa nascere la necessità di connettere le tue applicazioni aziendali con cloud pubbliche e private.
JetLab IBM i e Google Apps
JetLab fornisce tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per integrare in modo sicuro le caratteristiche offerte dal cloud di Google con le tue applicazioni IBM i.
Soluzione ready-to-go
per lavorare in partnership su progetti specifici sia con Sviluppatori IBM i sia con Sviluppatori Google.
- Drive4i (invia file su Google Drive e gestisci i documenti nel cloud direttamente da IBM i)
- WDT4i (creazione semplificata di servizi web per integrare IBM i con altre applicazioni)
per lavorare in partnership su progetti specifici sia con Sviluppatori IBM i sia con Sviluppatori Google.
5 million businesses and growing
More Apps
Earn revenue from your website
Earn revenue from your website
Advertise your business on Google
Advertise your business on Google
Get email updates on the topics of your choice
Get email updates on the topics of your choice
Analyse website traffic
Analyse website traffic
Publish your organisation's blog on the web
Publish your organisation's blog on the web
Complete online purchases more quickly and securely
Complete online purchases more quickly and securely
Custom Search
Create a customised search experience on your website
Create a customised search experience on your website
DoubleClick for Advertisers
Manage, traffic, serve and review your online advertising
Manage, traffic, serve and review your online advertising
DoubleClick for Publishers
Manage your ad inventory
Manage your ad inventory
Explore the world from your computer
Explore the world from your computer
Analyse subscriptions to RSS feeds that you publish
Analyse subscriptions to RSS feeds that you publish
Business info, news and interactive charts
Business info, news and interactive charts
Create and participate in public discussion groups
Create and participate in public discussion groups
Add news, games and more to your Google homepage
Add news, games and more to your Google homepage
Share what you know
Share what you know
View maps and directions
View maps and directions
Merchant Center
Submit your products to Google
Submit your products to Google
Gather and prioritise questions or opinions from a group of people
Gather and prioritise questions or opinions from a group of people
Search thousands of news stories
Search thousands of news stories
Meet new people and stay in touch with friends
Meet new people and stay in touch with friends
Picasa Web Albums
Find, edit and share your photos
Find, edit and share your photos
Claim or add your business on Google
Claim or add your business on Google
Get all your blogs and news feeds quickly
Get all your blogs and news feeds quickly
Build 3D models quickly and easily
Build 3D models quickly and easily
Translator Toolkit
Get tools for translators to translate your pages and documents faster
Get tools for translators to translate your pages and documents faster
User Managed Storage
Allow users to purchase additional storage for Google Docs and Picasa Web Albums
Allow users to purchase additional storage for Google Docs and Picasa Web Albums
Voice (U.S. Only)
Manage calls and voicemail more easily
Manage calls and voicemail more easily
Webmaster Tools
Improve your site's visibility
Improve your site's visibility
Website Optimizer
Build effective websites
Build effective websites
Watch, upload and share videos
Watch, upload and share videos
Live Updates from Google
A new activity stream in Drive shows you what's changed - January 15, 2014
Reach people you know more easily through Gmail and Google+ - January 13, 2014
Targeted legal holds in Google Vault - December 12, 2013