Google Apps meet IBM i

La crescita esplosiva del cloud computing fa nascere la necessità di connettere le tue applicazioni aziendali con cloud pubbliche e private.

JetLab IBM i e Google Apps

JetLab fornisce tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per integrare in modo sicuro le caratteristiche offerte dal cloud di Google con le tue applicazioni IBM i.

Soluzione ready-to-go
  • Drive4i (invia file su Google Drive e gestisci i documenti nel cloud direttamente da IBM i)
Strumenti per sviluppatori IBM
  • WDT4i (creazione semplificata di servizi web per integrare IBM i con altre applicazioni)
Laboratorio di sviluppo e Architetti software
per lavorare in partnership su progetti specifici sia con Sviluppatori IBM i sia con Sviluppatori Google.
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Explore the benefits of Google Apps
5 million businesses and growing

Product Information

Gmail for business offers 30 GB combined storage per user, powerful spam filtering, BlackBerry and Outlook interoperability, and a 99.9% uptime SLA.

Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
A web-based calendar application that enables employees to work together efficiently and helps minimize costs and IT hassles.

Google DriveGoogle Drive
Web-based documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations that let users edit the same file at the same time so you always have the latest version.

Google SitesGoogle Sites
Google Sites is an easy way to create secure web pages for intranets and team projects. No coding or HTML required.

Add archiving and e-discovery to Google Apps

Google Cloud ConnectGoogle Cloud Connect
Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office brings collaborative multi-person editing to the familiar Microsoft® Office experience. You can share, backup and simultaneously edit Microsoft Word, PowerPoint®, and Excel® documents with coworkers.

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