Google Apps meet IBM i

La crescita esplosiva del cloud computing fa nascere la necessità di connettere le tue applicazioni aziendali con cloud pubbliche e private.

JetLab IBM i e Google Apps

JetLab fornisce tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per integrare in modo sicuro le caratteristiche offerte dal cloud di Google con le tue applicazioni IBM i.

Soluzione ready-to-go
  • Drive4i (invia file su Google Drive e gestisci i documenti nel cloud direttamente da IBM i)
Strumenti per sviluppatori IBM
  • WDT4i (creazione semplificata di servizi web per integrare IBM i con altre applicazioni)
Laboratorio di sviluppo e Architetti software
per lavorare in partnership su progetti specifici sia con Sviluppatori IBM i sia con Sviluppatori Google.
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Admins can now elect to receive customizable email alerts when certain events of interest occur. By subscribing to alerts, admins can stay informed and, when needed, take prompt corrective action. These alerts are also helpful when multiple admins work together and want to stay informed on these changes.

User Alerts: Generated when our systems detect suspicious or unusual login events as well as on user-level administrator actions such as additions, deletions or suspensions. Real-time alerts allow admins to review the changes and take corrective action.

Settings Alerts: These alerts are automatically generated when any change by administrators to applications, device management or service settings is detected.

These alerts are available in the Admin console under Reports > Alerts and will be OFF by default. For privacy and compliance reasons, Google Support will not be able to perform further investigation for a given alert. Admins can use the Email Audit and Admin Audit APIs to retrieve more information.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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