Google Apps meet IBM i

La crescita esplosiva del cloud computing fa nascere la necessità di connettere le tue applicazioni aziendali con cloud pubbliche e private.

JetLab IBM i e Google Apps

JetLab fornisce tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per integrare in modo sicuro le caratteristiche offerte dal cloud di Google con le tue applicazioni IBM i.

Soluzione ready-to-go
  • Drive4i (invia file su Google Drive e gestisci i documenti nel cloud direttamente da IBM i)
Strumenti per sviluppatori IBM
  • WDT4i (creazione semplificata di servizi web per integrare IBM i con altre applicazioni)
Laboratorio di sviluppo e Architetti software
per lavorare in partnership su progetti specifici sia con Sviluppatori IBM i sia con Sviluppatori Google.
Start Now!
Explore the benefits of Google Apps
5 million businesses and growing

Features and Pricing

Annual Plan
Contract1 year
Cost$50/user account/year
or $5/user/month
Payment frequencymonthly
User maximumunlimited

Messaging apps: Gmail and Google Calendar and Google Groups for Business

Gmail storage and Google Drive storage30 GB combined / account
Interoperability with Microsoft Outlook email and calendarcheck
Sync with Blackberry Enterprise Servercheck
Easy contacts managementcheck
Mobile email, calendar and IM accesscheck
Email security, powered by Postinicheck
Gmail ads can be disabledcheck
Resource scheduling in Google Calendarcheck
Mailing list functionality and easy content sharing with groupscheck

Collaboration apps: Google Sites and Video for Business

Google Sites storage10 GB plus 500 MB per user for shared storage
Google Video for Business offers private, secure video sharingcheck
Google Apps Scriptcheck

Support and reliability

24/7 phone and email support for critical issuescheck
99.9% uptime guarantee SLA*check
Synchronous replicationcheck
Self-service online supportcheck

Increased security

SSL enforcement for secure HTTPS accesscheck
Customizable spam filteringcheck
Customize password strength requirementscheck
Email routing and email gateway supportcheck
Customizable policies to filter email containing sensitive informationcheck
Email encryption using standard TLS protocolscheck

Migration and integration tools

Manage multiple domains from one Google Apps accountcheck
Email migration tools and APIcheck
Directory sync with LDAP systemscheck
Email routing and email gateway supportcheck
Single sign-on APIcheck
User and group provisioning APIcheck